Friday, January 27, 2012

What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?

The black hole goes straight through the inner core of the star, and comes out the other side.

What would happen?What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?The black hole will have far greater mass than the star so before the 2 are anywhere near one another, the star is being wrenched out of it's galactic orbit and drawn in towards the black hole. (if a black hole entered our solar system, we'd all be ripped apart on earth by it's tidal forces before the black hole has reached as close as the orbit of neptune!)

Then the star begins to orbit the black, as it falls towards it's event horizon. Gases from the star will be sucked out of the star like string being unwound from a ball and gobbled up. Here's an image of what it would be like:鈥?/a>

Your scenario can't really occur as I don't think gravity would allow it to happen (due to a feature known as the conservation of angular momentum).
What could happen if the star and black hole are charging at each other fast enough and momentum is fast enough to break orbit is the star will disintegrate violently and it's gasses will form a spiralling funnelling nebula around the black hole like a bizarre celestial trumpet.

The end result is always the same score though.
Black Hole: One
Star: Nil.What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?
if the black hole were small enough and fast enough to come out the other side it would turn the sun into a giant funnel. It might look like a doughnut if you were on the side it went in... you'd see the hole and the darkness at the center... it would look like a cone from the side as the black hole moves away trailing the gases from the star. If the black hole were either slower or bigger, it would just swallow the sun.... MOST likely there would be a LOT of spinning involved since getting two celestial bodies in motion to line up is a LOT harder than threading a needleWhat happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?No, that's not what happens. The star would get sucked 'into' the black hole, ripped apart, and crushed down to become part of the black hole. In fact, we even saw it happening a few weeks ago.鈥?/a>What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?
The gravity of a black hole is much stronger than a star, so any collision of a star and black hole results in the star being shredded by tidal effects - the matter of the star could spiral into an accretion disk, or be drawn into the black hole's event horizon directly.What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?Black holes do not technically collide with anything because they are not material objects. Stars are disintegrated before ever reaching a black hole. Your scenario does not seem ever possible. Black holes do not go through stars they disintegrate them before they even reach the actual black hole.What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?
Stars would spiral into a black hole, not fall straight into it, except for an extremely small probability. ALL black holes rotate.What happens when a black hole collides directly into a star?
I Think Your Question Is Worded The Wrong Way Round To Start , The Gravitational Pull Of The Black Hole Would Make Your Question Wrong , You Want To Ask : "What Happens When A Star Is Sucked Into A Black Hole?"

To Answer Your Question...No One Knows , Everything People Say , Is Made Up

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