Monday, January 30, 2012

What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?

I need to know at least 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in star wars and prefferably when he piloted them.

Thanks!What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?His primary ship that he used throughtout his life was a Y-1300 stock light freighter called the Millenium Falcon. He got the ship from Lando Calrissian before A New Hope and used it to carry out his smuggling operations. He flew the ship in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.

During Return of the Jedi Solo piloted a caputured Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle called the Tydirium onto the Forest Moon of Endor, carrying the rebel strike team he was in charge of.

He did not pilot any other starships during any of the films. However it has been noted through other material, mainly books, that Solo was at one point a swoop bike champion and former Imperial Academy student. Therefore it is safe to assume that he piloted swoop bikes aswell as various Imperial craft prior to A New Hope.

I hope this helps a lot.What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?
Millenium FALCON is the only one i no of??What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?Y-1300 (Falcon)

Imperial Shuttle

I believe there were only 2 as he piloted the falcon in New Hope, was frozen in carbonite most of Empire, and he flew the shuttle to Endor, leading the main ground assault.What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?
Millenium Falcon--a New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back

the imperial ship in the Return of the Jedi to get to the mood of Endor--no idea what the name is

can't think of another one.What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?1. The Millenium Falcon (Star Wars A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi)

2. Emperial Fighter (Return of the Jedi)

3. He used a Ton Ton in Empire Strikes back when he was looking for Luke in the blizzard on Hoth (not really "piloting a ship")What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?
1. Millennium Falcon (during Episodes 4 and 5)

2. Imperial shuttle (on the way to the moon of Endor)

3. AT-ST (just to trick the Imperials into opening the door)What are 3 different ships Han Solo piloted in the Star Wars series?
Spot the nerd! hahahaha great answer!

I love Star Wars too

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