Monday, February 6, 2012

How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?

I called Jeffree star about a week ago and once in awhile i get texts. I don't want anymore text messages and how do i make them stop?How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?text STOP to them, that should work, if it doesn't then contact your carrier, %26amp; inform then you sent a stop text to them, %26amp; they didn't stop!!!!!How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?
could always hook someone up with his number.haha

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How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?give me his telephone number pleaseeee *-* and he wont text you anymore, is a promise %26lt;3

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How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?
if u noe his # i want it!!!! omg lol do you really noe his # of is it a lie cuz u could make money by selling ppl his # ahaha that is wut i would do! (:and should be happy getting texts from him mostly cuz ur not famouse and he is!!

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How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?i %26lt;3 jeffree star%26lt;3

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How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?
I highly doubt it was Jeffree.He's too busy to be ''texting'' you.He is truly amazing.But, he dosen't have enough time. %26lt;3

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How do i stop Jeffree star from texting me?
why would you call him anyway?

but yeah, if its one of those automated texts, just reply STOP to them. it should work.
Text stop to them and then if that doesn't work change your number...isn't Jeffree Star the guy from Hollywood Undead? or am i thinking of someone else?

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