Sunday, February 26, 2012

How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?

The Star Trek movies take place a couple hundred centuries in the future, the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th centuries. There seems to be some kind of utopia in this future, but there is no religion at all it seems like. Why is that?How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?There was one TV episode of the original Star Trek that mentioned the Christmas story. I think Star Trek tries to portray this kind of Utopian world created by technology and science. It is kind of a socialist society where people agree to work for the good of the whole. Not my idea of utopia but maybe someone else's. Of course this fable has inspired many 'trekkies' who long for this kind of technological Utopia. However, wisdom tells us that a perfect utopian can never exist if man is the only source to get us there, since man himself is flawed. How could something so flawed create perfection? I think perfection could only be achieved through the one who is perfect, namely Jesus Christ.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek universe, was an atheist. He believed that by the time humans progress societally and technologically to the point we see in Star Trek, they will have "grown beyond" the need for religion. Personally, I think he underestimated the strength of the religion meme.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?there's a LOT of religion in Star Trek... especially among the Klingons and the Vulcans. The original creator wanted it toned WAY down because there's no "small" or "easy" way to deal with religion, it tends to BECOME the story.

Look at Star Wars.... do you really believe that in the first three original movies, the Force was intended to be the result of microbes living in the bloodstream? Lucas had to drastically and dramatically change a fundamental aspect of the story to avoid controversy with the wing-nutz of the world. The very idea of microscopic life being responsible for the Force described in the original trilogy is ludicrous, but it got the religious nuts off his back.

L Ron Hubbard had to develop a who new religion and found a church so he wouldn't have to go back and edit all his stories and books.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?
Because the creator was a an atheist and a humanist. But to be far, actually there are religions in the original movies/series, but it is atheistic [case in point, the Vulcans].

In the later series, such as DS9, you do have the Bajorins who worship the aliens in the wormhole as Prophets.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?The assumption is that society has evolved past the need for religion by then. Even now, god is mostly confined to the gaps. But if you had aliens with butt shaped throbbing heads, the ability to go across the galaxy and meet the "seeders" of evolution, discovered a humanoid alien descendant from a terran dinosaur...the need for god disappears.
I think Gene Roddenberry was an atheist. In my opinion, a very spiritual and religious man who did not believe in a personal God. But the first Star Trek movie (not the TV pilot) does address some God questions. So does the Star Trek movie "The Final Frontier," if I am not mistaken about the name. Even in the original TV series there was one episode which involved a modern Roman-like world with a "Son," representing their own version of Jesus in the background plot. In another early show a god-child-like being gets to have a planet for a toy and humans as pets. In one Star Trek: The Next Generation show Data asks Captain Picard about life after death. Captain Picard speaks about the possibility as likely in his opinion. In another episode a deity is in orbit around a planet with its "children" below, humanoids much like humans. There are other examples. The infamous "Q" being for instance is a godlike being and the top "Q" is all-seeing and all-knowing.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?
DS 9 was full of it

Deep Space 9, where they had :


Celestial temple (Bajorian wormhole),

Messiah (Sisko)

Pope and priests (Kai)

Anti-Christ (Gul Dukat).

Because the plot lines of their movies aren't really suited to religion, more to special effects. They did have that one weird movie where they went to some weird planet and there was a "god" there or something. One of the worst in my opinion.How come there is no religion in the Star Trek movies?
We get past the superstition of religion, which happened as society became more educated as a whole, which lead to less fighting, more peace and a utopia.
Why does the movie "Enemy at the Gates" exhibit no religion?

That must be because war is not hell, but paradise.
Because it's a movie/show and practicing religion isn't exactly action material.
One of my favorite NG stories involved an early Vulcan world and what happened when they tried to put a god in the gap thinking Picard was their god...
The Federation is an evolved civilization. The Enterprise crew do encounter once in a while primitive religious societies.
Because religion no longer makes any sense in the 21st century, much less later ones.
The more knowledgeable people are, the less they believe in religion. People in the future will be smarter.
Too many scantily clothed women and dudes were far, far away from home. Why should it be any different than what happens on a movie set offshore?
Roddenberry was an atheist. He extrapolated and figured that was what would happen.
The creator was an atheist.

"Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all."

~Gene Roddenberry
But there was. The force that was driving the crew aboard the Enterprise was coming from the God Yahweh and His Son Jesus Christ.
What H.C. said.
they have evolved past the need for it if you look at it that way. otherwise the reason is the creator was an atheist.

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