Monday, February 6, 2012

How do i convince my parents to let me buy star wars battlefront elite squadron.?

Ok i really want star wars battlefront elite squadron and my parents won't let me get it. It's mostly my mom she thinks star wars is bad and everything. My dad would let me get it if my mom says yes but she won't. I'ts not that she's entirery against shooters because I have medal of honor heroes 2 but as i said she doesn't like star wars. How do i convince them to let me get it ?How do i convince my parents to let me buy star wars battlefront elite squadron.?Tell her that while she might not like star wars you are very interested in the concept of the future and love the idea of being able to play a game that lets you play in the future.. Also look up information about the game so your mom thinks you have really thought out your decision. Its all about confidenceHow do i convince my parents to let me buy star wars battlefront elite squadron.?make a list of all the good reasons you should get it then a list of the bad then try and make the bad sound good add them to the good list and explain it to her .How do i convince my parents to let me buy star wars battlefront elite squadron.?ok wow is your mom stupid lol

star wars is nothing like medal of honor its fantasy

god i thought my parents were bad feel sorry for you lol

you can always get it any ways and hide it from her lolHow do i convince my parents to let me buy star wars battlefront elite squadron.?
SHE doesn't like star wars? Is SHE going to be playing it or are YOU?

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